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Orahi : Leader Of Carpooling In India



Orahi’s app is most friendly and conversational carpool app. Not only does it offer all the great features a carpooling app should, including extended preferences and online payment options, but it also lets user chat with other friends who are using the service. User get the choose who he/she ride with, making user trip more enjoyable by pairing up with trusted friends. Orahi also has a “Panic Mode” button on its app; when pressed, this button alerts three other contacts to user's location if user feel unsafe. Female-only rides can be set up by selecting preferences for these groups on the user’s profile. Orahi also offers first time users a free ride to try out their services. Payments are made using an exchange of “green tokens” that users purchase online. If a customer wishes to make a withdrawal from their balance, each token will be refunded for the full purchase price, and there’s no minimum amount that must be accrued before withdrawal. Orahi is available on both iOS and Android.

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